Sunday, August 29, 2010

DInkey Creek-ey

Since Fresno had a nice heat wave this week, the hubby and I decided to escape for a few hours to our family's favorite retreat: Dinkey Creek.
 If you are a "flatlander", you may have seen bumper stickers around sporting "Where the Hell is Dinkey Creek?" Well, to answer that question, Dinkey is about 12 miles farther into the Sierra woods from Shaver Lake. There you go. Dinkey is a great place to run up for a few hours, sit next to the creek, maybe get enough courage to jump in the frigid water, cast a line for some rainbow or brown trout, or throw the stick and watch your dog jump from boulders into the pristine water. 

Hubby and I went and I quickly abandoned my reading for my college class and decided to snooze on the nice granite. Hubby was off doing his thing, which included trekking up the creek and singing and reading. Overall, it was a great refreshing trip.

Friends! You need to come! You can leave and come back and have a great time in about 5 hours. That's it! Free! minus gas. And fun water things. And snackage. But Free! Also, you can hit up the Pizza Factory in Prather on your way home for some tasty pizza tossed in the air right before you. It's next to the Canyon fork Market, or Mar Vals, whatever the name is these days. 

Last note- I am now 11 weeks pregnant! Woo! Hopefully this nausea and vomiting thing will be fleeing from me in the next week, since it will be bye bye first trimester and hello second trimester. Okay, off to our recent addiction: an episode of 24! (We might name our baby Jack Bauer Telloian if we have a boy, btw : ) hehehe)

Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Dinkey Creek and super yay for the Pizza place. Best pizza! It was nice here this weekend though. The awful summer heat wave was in the middle of the week. Either way, the Sierras are way nicer than Fresno/Clovis.

    Oh and I wont let your hubby name his child after Jack Bauer. :)

