Friday, September 10, 2010

Busy! What to do???

We got news that the class Aaron was attempting to have waived at Fresno State will not be. This means he will be taking 18 units. Our schedule is ridiculous now! Monday is a bible study, Tuesday is a bible study, Wednesday Aaron now has a night class, Thursday he has a night class, and Friday he has a men's bible study!!! Way too much! We are going to have to trim somewhere, so we shall see where to make the snip : ( 

It sounds easy, since we are in so many studies; however, when friends are involved, it becomes more complicated. The choice to snip out a "study" is more like snipping out those friends on that night. Not what I want to do!!!! But maybe it is necessary.....

Pray for us that we can decide what will be best in this season of life for us, and that our friends will graciously understand! 

Life is good though- we are having a great time learning in college- after all, we are finally out of the general ed and onto the interesting stuff we are passionate about- except for that feminist class of mine...... : ) Aaron and I are both in racism classes, which has been fascinating to hear about the origins of racism in America. I had no idea what was out there! I am totally ignorant to racism, it seems!
On another note...

I got to visit with my brother and momma last night. Mainly my brother was telling horrific stories of saving 14 year old boyscouts lost at night in the woods and homeless guys trying to sell drugs to 14 year old girls. It is tough being 14 these days! I love my brother, and he is a great storyteller. Every time I see him, he tells these epic stories that make me wish I could be in his shoes, at least some times : ) My babies are gonna love going to Uncle Jack's house to sit at his feet listening to his epic adventures.

No, not my brother, but you get the idea....

My mom (who I still call Momma : )) is always cringing at the dangerous situations her children are always in- from cops and swat swarming our neighborhood, to my brother boldly confronting a man abusing his wife, to my sister being chased in a parking lot. Our family is full of thrills! No wonder we all carry mace- Ye be warned!!!! Another prayer request: Pray for Momma that all her hair doesn't fall out from her children's crazy lives! She is so great though 

Okie dokie- Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had Bible study on Monday nights, too??! Please don't leave us on Tuesday! :)
