Sunday, August 29, 2010

DInkey Creek-ey

Since Fresno had a nice heat wave this week, the hubby and I decided to escape for a few hours to our family's favorite retreat: Dinkey Creek.
 If you are a "flatlander", you may have seen bumper stickers around sporting "Where the Hell is Dinkey Creek?" Well, to answer that question, Dinkey is about 12 miles farther into the Sierra woods from Shaver Lake. There you go. Dinkey is a great place to run up for a few hours, sit next to the creek, maybe get enough courage to jump in the frigid water, cast a line for some rainbow or brown trout, or throw the stick and watch your dog jump from boulders into the pristine water. 

Hubby and I went and I quickly abandoned my reading for my college class and decided to snooze on the nice granite. Hubby was off doing his thing, which included trekking up the creek and singing and reading. Overall, it was a great refreshing trip.

Friends! You need to come! You can leave and come back and have a great time in about 5 hours. That's it! Free! minus gas. And fun water things. And snackage. But Free! Also, you can hit up the Pizza Factory in Prather on your way home for some tasty pizza tossed in the air right before you. It's next to the Canyon fork Market, or Mar Vals, whatever the name is these days. 

Last note- I am now 11 weeks pregnant! Woo! Hopefully this nausea and vomiting thing will be fleeing from me in the next week, since it will be bye bye first trimester and hello second trimester. Okay, off to our recent addiction: an episode of 24! (We might name our baby Jack Bauer Telloian if we have a boy, btw : ) hehehe)

Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Humans, Education, and Sea Breeze

By the way, I had to google 'breeze' to make sure I spelled it right. I don't think I have ever used that word before.... Anyways, I am so thankful- why? Because I get to get out of this house!!!! aaah! I have been cooped up for about a month, feeling sick and exhausted. FINALLY, school has begun. I can now walk around and interact with humans instead of my felines. 

It feels like a huge gulp of fresh air!
Unfortunately, God decided to make this week the hottest we have seen yet, so walking around campus makes me feel like this:
Yup, that's me between Family Food Sciences Building and Kremen Education Building on campus. It was 112 degrees F today!!! Why do we live here again???

Anyways, we went to the beach on Saturday from 3pm to 9pm. Really short trip. We ate some splash cafe, walked a little on the pier, jumped in the water, ran out of the freezing cold water, and finally went and surprise visited Aaron's brother and his wife, Jack and Vickie. Tons of fun in 60 degree weather!

Our new friend :)

Me jumping with a bathing suit and a jacket on. It was cold!

Beautiful Pismo peir
Hubby 'posing'

Toes in the sand and ocean! I love the Pacific and the man standing in the Pacific with me. ANd the man who made the Pacific. Thank you Jesus for the ocean!

Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The DIrty Laundry of the Mac Store

I finally took my poor old white MacBook in to see why it wont print anything. The genius bar folks at the Mac store are most awesome. I made a new friend, named Richard. He was wearing a kilt and his MAC T-shirt, and I HAD to ask where he got the kilt from. We started talking and soon became friends. He has an 8 month old, so congrats to Richard and his wife! I also met a cool lady named Kathryn Borba. She is a missionary leaving in October to Japan. She was studying her Japanese at the Genius bar next to me, and we were there forever, so we went and got a pretzel together and started chatting. You can learn more about her here.

The idea that came through my mind watching Mac employee with a blue shirt after another flutter around the building was, "I should start a laundry business in Fashion Fair with locker rooms for all of the employees at different locations so they don't have to do their laundry." We had a laundry service like that at Fresno State for athletics, which was pretty cool, so if anyone wants to join, maybe I might do it ; ) just a thought : )

Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

8 Weeks!

Well, we had our first ultrasound on Thursday! It was such a cool experience. Hubby was there, and he was so awesome : ) I am very blessed to have a husband like Aaron. Also, our NP was super friendly, honest, and generally, nice. So I would recommend her to anyone. Anne Schattke, ladies and gentlemen, is great! She's at Kaiser in case you have Kaiser.

The little ultrasound picked up the baby quickly, and she rotated the screen our way. I was already crying by this point, realizing that in the next couple of moments it could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen, or the most tragic. Thank God, when she turned the monitor to us we could see the strong little heart pumping away!!!! She turned on the sound and it was like, "Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh" steady and strong. Oh that was so awesome!

She took some pics, checked out everything, and gave us the thumbs up. Baby Telloian is 8 weeks and 2 days, as of today. My due date is March 24, 2011. Here are some awesome pics:

The thing around the baby is the amniotic sac, so the NP wrote, "Me and my Sac." It was so cute. Left is baby's brain and right is babies bottom.

Here you can see the head (on the left) the bottom (on the right) and the arm and leg buds on either side of the baby's body.

The big gaping hole in the brain isn't anything to worry about. It is just the liquid in the brain forming into our baby's ENORMOUS brain hehehe.

Hope you enjoyed looking at our baby as much as we did!

Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ive got a bug

A baking bug. I have always looooved baking, but when I got married, I got poor. And health conscience. And now, my baking has slowly fizzled away. I do have a friend, however, who bakes awesome and tasty treats every Monday night for our bible study. I was looking at another blog,, and now the baking itch is coming back full force. Here is a cute pic of something I would like to attempt:

Oh baking, how I love thee! Anyways, budget and calories will determine if I actually act upon this nagging itchy bug for baking.
Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby on the Brain

It has been too long since I have posted- many apologies! Since our gingerbread championships back in December, there have been some exciting updates in the Telloian residence.
We have successfully lived in our condo for over a year now. Not without much excitement, as it seems the police come visit every other day and arrest another neighbor. I feel safe, but the amount of silent time versus quiet time in this neighborhood seems to be diminishing!
Also, I finished my junior year of good old education at Fresno State, barely clearing my required GPA. One year left!
The newest addition to our family is about 8 weeks old and apparently is about 1 inch long at the moment with tiny hands and toes- Yes- we are pregnant! Hubby and I are so excited- however, we show our excitement VERY differently. I love to scrounge every baby website (trying to figure out the styles I like and what exactly a 'travel system' is) while Aaron sits at his desk with his head buried in a book on masculinity and fatherhood.
In the first couple of weeks, I was wondering if I really was pregnant, since I was just tired, but had no other symptoms. The answer came soon, and I was running back upstairs to go heave everything in the toilet. The term 'Morning Sickness' can be misleading, since mine doesn't go away. Ever. Unless I'm sleeping.
Overall, we are very thankful for the support of our families and this wonderful gift from God! On Thursday, we hope to hear our little baby's heartbeat. Now THAT is a prayer request!
Until later, expect much sickness, not a lot of productivity, but a lot of excitement!
Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.