Saturday, August 14, 2010

8 Weeks!

Well, we had our first ultrasound on Thursday! It was such a cool experience. Hubby was there, and he was so awesome : ) I am very blessed to have a husband like Aaron. Also, our NP was super friendly, honest, and generally, nice. So I would recommend her to anyone. Anne Schattke, ladies and gentlemen, is great! She's at Kaiser in case you have Kaiser.

The little ultrasound picked up the baby quickly, and she rotated the screen our way. I was already crying by this point, realizing that in the next couple of moments it could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen, or the most tragic. Thank God, when she turned the monitor to us we could see the strong little heart pumping away!!!! She turned on the sound and it was like, "Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh" steady and strong. Oh that was so awesome!

She took some pics, checked out everything, and gave us the thumbs up. Baby Telloian is 8 weeks and 2 days, as of today. My due date is March 24, 2011. Here are some awesome pics:

The thing around the baby is the amniotic sac, so the NP wrote, "Me and my Sac." It was so cute. Left is baby's brain and right is babies bottom.

Here you can see the head (on the left) the bottom (on the right) and the arm and leg buds on either side of the baby's body.

The big gaping hole in the brain isn't anything to worry about. It is just the liquid in the brain forming into our baby's ENORMOUS brain hehehe.

Hope you enjoyed looking at our baby as much as we did!

Make Good Choices!
-Sarah T.


  1. life is a miracle, isn't it! So far a strong healthy baby as far as I can tell!

  2. Soooo exciting!!!
